Vivian Adelberg Rudow

Composer/Performance Artist/Concert Producer


Some videos also in YouTube

Rebecca's Song in memory of Rebecca Blackwell, Stanley Wong, Piano. Hong Kong Space Museum Lecture Hall, Hong Kong. July 7 2013.

EARTH DAY SUITE 1. Dark Waters of the Chesapeake, in honor of Sidney M. Friedberg, by Vivian Adelberg Rudow � 1984/2005/2010. St. Johns Orchestra, Ronald Mutchnik Conducting, April 18, 2010, Luis Engelke, trumpet solo.
a. Orchestra moving like waves
b. Music begins 0:44
Length 9:52

EARTH DAY SUITE 2. Go Green!, St. Johns Orchestra, Ronald Mutchnik Conducting, April 18, 2010, Sara Nichols, flute by Vivian Adelberg Rudow �2010
a. introduction
b. music begins 1:51
Length 6:33

Love, Loss, and Law

Rock Smooth Music �Vivian Adelberg Rudow1998, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHOREOGRAPHER: Algernon Campbell. MUSIC: Vivian Adelberg Rudow "The Bare Smooth Stone of your Love", in memory of Daniel Malkin.  DANCERS: Amanda Fair, Timothy Phelps. MUSICIANS: Gita Ladd, cello, Clinton Adams, piano.
October 18, 2008 Baltimore Museum of Art. 8:23

Hope/Beauty:  � Vivian Adelberg Rudow  2006/08, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Benny Russell, SAXOPHONE, Todd Simon, PIANO. Created for Franz West Exhibition, photo. of Franz West with guitar case covered with flowers.
December 5, 2008 Baltimore Museum of Art, 6:11

The Head Remembers, victims of WW II: MUSIC �Vivian Adelberg Rudow 2006/08, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Benny Russell, SAXOPHONE, V.A.R. Tape. Created for Franz West Exhibition for red sculpture, SISYPHOS IX.
December 5, 2008 Baltimore Museum of Art. 3.48

Squiggle: � Vivian Adelberg Rudow 2008, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Tim Anderson, CELLO, Ljiljana Jovanovic, SHAKERS, V.A.R., RAINSTICK Adapive/BELLS Composed for FRANZ WEST exhibition for Adaptive Passstuch.
December 5, 2008, Baltimore Museum of Art. 2:07
